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Latest scans of ZASQR codes
Connect to YOUR clients with Zasqr
Create smart packaging with ZasqrWe could develop sophisticated and expensive packaging capable interacting with consumers. But finally we have opted to add intelligence to the packaging of a lifetime, taking advantage of something that has been there for many years, doing its work quietly (well, as much with a discreet beep ;-)): the barcode.
Thanks to our application for Smartphone, now barcodes on packaging have the ability to interact with consumers, providing immediate answers to all doubts that may arise when they are in front of the shelf: Is this the product that fits into what I need, What brings me value with respect to a similar one, What other products does this brand offer me?
With Zasqr, the packaging becomes an element of contact with the consumer at any time by providing more accurate information on the functional, logical and physical aspects of the product, helping you make better purchasing decisions that increase satisfaction and solidify relationships with the brand.
Thanks to Zasqr, we obtain interactive packaging that help people get to know more about the properties of the product, learn how to use them correctly and gain maximum usage, thus adding value to our products.
Our intelligent packaging can help people to improve their diet plan, achieve a better look or keep their house in order, learn new recipes or simply, provide for us the instructions of our appliances with a simple "bang".
Thanks to Zasqr technology, brands can create more complete shopping experience, which begin from the same shelf sale point and continue at home once the product is purchased. They don’t need to change their packaging and the cost is relatively low.